Help for the Homeless
Pettis County Community Partnership is collecting items for the homeless with the help of the Church Women United. Please bring Items to the Church. Collection dates are October 30 through December 3rd.
The List of Basic Need Items:
Hygiene Kits, Bath Towels, Shaving Cream, Disposable Razors, Bath Soap, Diapers (All Sizes), Baby Wipes, Toothbrushes, Toothpaste, Deodorant, Shampoo, Conditioner, Toilet Paper, Paper Towels, Dish Soap, Sponges, Garbage Bags, Household Cleaner, Window Cleaner, Bleach, Bleach Wipes, Magic Erasers, Toilet Brushes, Kitchen Utensils, Silverware, Children's Clothing.
World Community Day
Church Women United will sponsor World Community Day on Friday, November 4th at 1:30 p.m. at the Christ and Trinity Lutheran Church located on 32nd street next to Skyline School. A number of area people who have traveled to Haiti to help this country after several natural disasters over the years will present this program.
Whittier School Dinner
The Women's Association of BPC will serve dinner to 17 Whittier Alternative School students on Tuesday, November 22 at 5:30p.m. Whittier is located on the corner of 16th & Montgomery street.
CWU Membership
Membership dues to the Church Women United for the 2017 year are due by December 2 at the Silver Tea.
$2.00 pays local dues (will receive a local newsletter only)
$7.00 pays local and state dues (will receive both state & local newsletter)
Questions - Call Nedra Z. -- 660-826-3641 or Mary Lee -- 660-826-3817