The call from God represents some big ideas. First, what do we mean by "call"? Every Christian has received a general call to faith and service. Responding to this call involves intentional and ongoing spiritual growth and active outreach. Jesus never says to us, "This is enough. You've grown in faith enough; no need to progress any further." To the contrary, the spiritual life recognizes that just down The Way is a bit more understanding, a bit more hope, a bit more peace... a bit more real life. Why settle for anything less than what God wants to give you?
Next we consider our particular call(s) from God. These are personal to you and involve your spiritual giftedness. (Every believer is given spiritual gifts for the elevation of the community.) When you are using your spiritual gifts it is like walking with the wind at your back. Not engaging your giftedness can instead feel like walking into a (stiff Missouri) wind! The key is discernment. How have you discerned your spiritual giftedness and God's call(s) to you? Do you feel a call now and are you in need of discernment? How might others help you with discernment?